Ayurvedic Lifestyle
Ayurveda is the ancient science that deals with body, mind, and spirit. Ayurveda believes in curing the diseases as well as maintaining positive health of the individual. For that reason, an ideal lifestyle is described in detail.
Aim of ayurveda: Maintain health of healthy individual and give relief to the diseased person
Swathaysa swasthya rakshanam aaturasya vikar prashamanam ca || ca. su. 30/2
For maintaining health of an individual, dinacharya and ritucharya are described - the daily and seasonal regimens respectively to be followed by the individuals who desire a long and healthy life.
The daily regimen that Ayurveda prescribes is described as Dinacharya.
The seasonal regimen that Ayurveda prescribes is described as Ritucharya.
Aim of ayurveda: Maintain health of healthy individual and give relief to the diseased person
Swathaysa swasthya rakshanam aaturasya vikar prashamanam ca || ca. su. 30/2
For maintaining health of an individual, dinacharya and ritucharya are described - the daily and seasonal regimens respectively to be followed by the individuals who desire a long and healthy life.
The daily regimen that Ayurveda prescribes is described as Dinacharya.
The seasonal regimen that Ayurveda prescribes is described as Ritucharya.