Vata - Energy of Movement

Vata represents the air principle in our body, and also represents the wind energy in the Universe. Vata is an energetic bio-energy. Vata or vayu is responsible for any type of movement and is the controller and motivator of all mechanisms in our body.
There are 5 sub types of vata - Prana, Udana, Vyana, Samana and Apana.
There are 5 sub types of vata - Prana, Udana, Vyana, Samana and Apana.
Pitta - Energy of Transformation

Pitta represents the fire principle in our body. It also represents the solar energy in the Universe. Pitta is a thermogenic bio-energy. Pitta is responsible for production of heat. Any type of conversion or transformation in our body is carried out by pitta.
There are 5 subtypes of Pitta - Pachak, Bhrajak, Ranjak, Alochak and Sadhak.
There are 5 subtypes of Pitta - Pachak, Bhrajak, Ranjak, Alochak and Sadhak.
Kapha - Energy of Cohesion

Kapha represents the water principle in our body. It also represents the moon energy in the Universe. Kapha is a cohesive bio-energy. Kapha is responsible for bonding and support.
There are 5 subtypes of Kapha - Kledak, Shleshak, Tarpak, Avalambak and Bodhak.
Copyright © 2014 Ayurveda Amritvani. All Rights Reserved.
There are 5 subtypes of Kapha - Kledak, Shleshak, Tarpak, Avalambak and Bodhak.
Copyright © 2014 Ayurveda Amritvani. All Rights Reserved.