Get ready – summer is finally here. It’s a great relief for all Kapha people, as they will get to enjoy the nice weather without any risk of allergies. No cold, cough, or sneezing! But for Pitta people, it may be a difficult season, as they need to adapt to increasing heat.
As summer begins, everyone will be ready to start grilling with lots of spicy food and oily treats. But this type of food – red meat, spicy sauce, tomatoes, etc. serve to aggravate pitta. Commonly, people show signs of increased gastric acidity, burning sensation in stomach, increased acne, skin rashes, some times burning sensation while urinating, and exhaustion. All these symptoms will indicate increased pitta in the body. Pitta is hot, sharp, light and oily in nature. Taste like sour, salty & pungent will aggravate pitta.
To balance this or to cope up with this change, try to eat foods with cooling properties. Sweet, astringent, and bitter foods will reduce the pitta. Spices like cumin, coriander, fennel, mint, basil and cardamom, saffron will help to reduce pitta. Similarly, fruits like melons, watermelons, grapes, and coconut are the best. Drink plenty of fluids, water, coconut water, fruit juices, and cucumber water.
Simple Lifestyle changes to beat the heat:
• Keep the body cool, use sandalwood water, rose water for bath
• Apply sandalwood paste or powder on body
• Avoid excessive physical exercise
• Enjoy moonlight in the night
• Wear gems like pearls, coral
• Stay in cool places, avoid exposure to sun
• Take bath(s) with cold water, wear light dresses
• Go for a soothing walk, in the evening, near the beach or river
Happy Summer Solstice!
As summer begins, everyone will be ready to start grilling with lots of spicy food and oily treats. But this type of food – red meat, spicy sauce, tomatoes, etc. serve to aggravate pitta. Commonly, people show signs of increased gastric acidity, burning sensation in stomach, increased acne, skin rashes, some times burning sensation while urinating, and exhaustion. All these symptoms will indicate increased pitta in the body. Pitta is hot, sharp, light and oily in nature. Taste like sour, salty & pungent will aggravate pitta.
To balance this or to cope up with this change, try to eat foods with cooling properties. Sweet, astringent, and bitter foods will reduce the pitta. Spices like cumin, coriander, fennel, mint, basil and cardamom, saffron will help to reduce pitta. Similarly, fruits like melons, watermelons, grapes, and coconut are the best. Drink plenty of fluids, water, coconut water, fruit juices, and cucumber water.
Simple Lifestyle changes to beat the heat:
• Keep the body cool, use sandalwood water, rose water for bath
• Apply sandalwood paste or powder on body
• Avoid excessive physical exercise
• Enjoy moonlight in the night
• Wear gems like pearls, coral
• Stay in cool places, avoid exposure to sun
• Take bath(s) with cold water, wear light dresses
• Go for a soothing walk, in the evening, near the beach or river
Happy Summer Solstice!