A very common question, What is meaning of AUM?
I will share my story with you. When I was a kid, my mother used to chant AUM with me. At that time she told me it was a mystic word that does magic in your life. This was the simple explanation and being kid it is so obvious to get attracted to that magical word. But later when I start growing up, I came across different meanings of this Magical word.
The symbol AUM is composed of three syllables, namely the letters A, U, M, and when written it has a crescent and dot on its top. Some time you will also see it is spelled as OM.
The Latin word 'Omne' and the Sanskrit word 'Aum' are both derived from the same root meaning 'all'. These both words convey the same concept of omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence.
Aum is the beeja (seed) mantra or invocation. Many other invocations start with this beeja mantra. It brings the positive energy and aid in healing.
In yoga, you will find a deep meaning of this word. This word acts as device to complete a union between the physical body and spiritual body. The syllable, “a” is analogous with the conscious or waking state, called jagrata-avastha in Sanskrit. The “u” represents the dream state or svapna-avastha. The “m” is the dreamless sleep state or susupta-avastha. The word AUM represents the full state of realization, turiya-avastha.
The 3 letters, represent the triad of Divinity, namely, Brahma - the creator, Visnu - the Maintainer and Siva - the Destroyer of the universe. The whole symbol represents Brahman from which the universe emanates, has its growth and fruition and into which it merges in the end. It does not grow or change. Many change and pass, but Brahman is the One that ever remains unchanged.
The AUM is the realization of man's divinity within himself. The entire symbol stands for this realization of body, mind and spirit. The 3 letters represent the 3 qualities of mind- Satva, Rajas & Tamas.
Meditation with Aum-
Generally early mornings are the best time to do meditation, as the atmosphere is full of Satva guna or good qualities.
Sit in a comfortable position in a clean, quiet area. Close your eyes then start concentrating on the rhythm of your heart, rhythm of your breath. Take a deep breath and chant a long AUM. You will feel the vibrations in your chest. Later with practice of repeated chanting you will feel vibrations all over the body.
You can do Omkar (continues chanting of AUM) 11 times, 21 times and later on practice it 108 times. You can use Japa mala (String of 108 beads) for counting.
Now I can say this word is not only magical but it has spiritual divine powers that can transform your life !
|| HARI OM ||
A very common question, What is meaning of AUM?
I will share my story with you. When I was a kid, my mother used to chant AUM with me. At that time she told me it was a mystic word that does magic in your life. This was the simple explanation and being kid it is so obvious to get attracted to that magical word. But later when I start growing up, I came across different meanings of this Magical word.
The symbol AUM is composed of three syllables, namely the letters A, U, M, and when written it has a crescent and dot on its top. Some time you will also see it is spelled as OM.
The Latin word 'Omne' and the Sanskrit word 'Aum' are both derived from the same root meaning 'all'. These both words convey the same concept of omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence.
Aum is the beeja (seed) mantra or invocation. Many other invocations start with this beeja mantra. It brings the positive energy and aid in healing.
In yoga, you will find a deep meaning of this word. This word acts as device to complete a union between the physical body and spiritual body. The syllable, “a” is analogous with the conscious or waking state, called jagrata-avastha in Sanskrit. The “u” represents the dream state or svapna-avastha. The “m” is the dreamless sleep state or susupta-avastha. The word AUM represents the full state of realization, turiya-avastha.
The 3 letters, represent the triad of Divinity, namely, Brahma - the creator, Visnu - the Maintainer and Siva - the Destroyer of the universe. The whole symbol represents Brahman from which the universe emanates, has its growth and fruition and into which it merges in the end. It does not grow or change. Many change and pass, but Brahman is the One that ever remains unchanged.
The AUM is the realization of man's divinity within himself. The entire symbol stands for this realization of body, mind and spirit. The 3 letters represent the 3 qualities of mind- Satva, Rajas & Tamas.
Meditation with Aum-
Generally early mornings are the best time to do meditation, as the atmosphere is full of Satva guna or good qualities.
Sit in a comfortable position in a clean, quiet area. Close your eyes then start concentrating on the rhythm of your heart, rhythm of your breath. Take a deep breath and chant a long AUM. You will feel the vibrations in your chest. Later with practice of repeated chanting you will feel vibrations all over the body.
You can do Omkar (continues chanting of AUM) 11 times, 21 times and later on practice it 108 times. You can use Japa mala (String of 108 beads) for counting.
- The will bring a healing vibe in your body and mind.
- It is good not only for adults but also to the kids. It helps to increase concentration, improves attention span, focus during study. It improves their thinking ability
- It creates positive energy flow in your body and your surroundings.
- Listening and performing chanting of the AUM gives you calming effects and reduces stress rapidly. It gives peace, mental relaxation.
- It reduces the feeling of tiredness, fatigue.
- Improves the functioning of your respiratory and cardio vascular system. It improves your digestion.
Now I can say this word is not only magical but it has spiritual divine powers that can transform your life !
|| HARI OM ||